import os
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar, Union
from LOGS.Entities.Bridge import Bridge
from LOGS.Entities.Dataset import Dataset
from LOGS.Entities.Document import Document
from LOGS.Entities.Equipment import Equipment
from LOGS.Entities.Experiment import Experiment
from LOGS.Entities.FileEntry import FileEntry
from LOGS.Entities.Instrument import Instrument
from LOGS.Entities.LabNotebookEntry import LabNotebookEntry
from LOGS.Entities.Method import Method
from LOGS.Entities.Person import Person
from LOGS.Entities.Project import Project
from LOGS.Entities.Sample import Sample
class Constants:
_control_character = {
"0": ("\u0000", "null"),
"1": ("\u0001", "start of heading"),
"2": ("\u0002", "start of text"),
"3": ("\u0003", "end of text"),
"4": ("\u0004", "end of transmission"),
"5": ("\u0005", "enquiry"),
"6": ("\u0006", "acknowledge"),
"7": ("\u0007", "bell"),
"8": ("\u0008", "backspace"),
"9": ("\u0009", "horizontal tabulation"),
"a": ("\u000a", "line feed"),
"b": ("\u000b", "vertical tabulation"),
"c": ("\u000c", "form feed"),
"d": ("\u000d", "carriage return"),
"e": ("\u000e", "shift out"),
"f": ("\u000f", "shift in"),
"10": ("\u0010", "data link escape"),
"11": ("\u0011", "device control one"),
"12": ("\u0012", "device control two"),
"13": ("\u0013", "device control three"),
"14": ("\u0014", "device control four"),
"15": ("\u0015", "negative acknowledge"),
"16": ("\u0016", "synchronous idle"),
"17": ("\u0017", "end of transmission block"),
"18": ("\u0018", "cancel"),
"19": ("\u0019", "end of medium"),
"1a": ("\u001a", "substitute"),
"1b": ("\u001b", "escape"),
"1c": ("\u001c", "file separator"),
"1d": ("\u001d", "group separator"),
"1e": ("\u001e", "record separator"),
"1f": ("\u001f", "unit separator"),
byteUnits = ["", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z"]
ID_TYPE = Union[int, str]
FILE_TYPE = Union[str, os.DirEntry, "FileEntry"]