Source code for LOGS.Auxiliary.Tools

import os
import string
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import (
from unicodedata import normalize
from uuid import UUID

from regex import Regex

from LOGS.Auxiliary.DateTimeConverter import DateTimeConverter

[docs] class Unbuffered(object): def __init__(self, stream): = stream
[docs] def write(self, data):
[docs] def writelines(self, data):
def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(, attr)
_T = TypeVar("_T")
[docs] class UnbufferedStdout(Unbuffered): def __init__(self): super().__init__(sys.stdout)
[docs] class Tools: messageStrMaxLength = 25 __byteUnits = ["", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z"]
[docs] @classmethod def unbufferStdout(cls): unbuffered = UnbufferedStdout() sys.stdout = cast(Any, unbuffered)
[docs] @classmethod def getHumanReadableSize(cls, size, suffix="B"): for unit in cls.__byteUnits: if abs(size) < 1024.0: return "%3.1f%s%s" % (size, unit, suffix) size /= 1024.0 return "%.1f%s%s" % (size, "Yi", suffix)
[docs] @classmethod def osPathSeparators(cls): seps = [] for sep in os.path.sep, os.path.altsep: if sep: seps.append(sep) return seps
[docs] @classmethod def sanitizeFileName(cls, fileName: Optional[str], defaultName: str = "Unknown"): if not fileName: fileName = defaultName # Sort out unicode characters valid_filename = ( normalize("NFKD", fileName).encode("ascii", "ignore").decode("ascii") ) # Replace path separators with underscores for sep in cls.osPathSeparators(): valid_filename = valid_filename.replace(sep, "_") # Ensure only valid characters valid_chars = "-_.() {0}{1}".format(string.ascii_letters, string.digits) valid_filename = "".join(ch for ch in valid_filename if ch in valid_chars) # Ensure at least one letter or number to ignore names such as '..' valid_chars = "{0}{1}".format(string.ascii_letters, string.digits) test_filename = "".join(ch for ch in fileName if ch in valid_chars) if len(test_filename) == 0: # Replace empty file name or file path part with the following valid_filename = defaultName if valid_filename[0] not in string.ascii_letters: valid_filename = "_" + valid_filename return valid_filename
[docs] @classmethod def eclipsesJoin(cls, seperator: str, items: List, maxCount: int = 3): if len(items) > maxCount: items = items[:maxCount] return seperator.join(items) + "..." return seperator.join(items)
[docs] @classmethod def wordToPlural(cls, word: str): if word[-1] == "y": return word[:-1] + "ies" return word + "s"
[docs] @classmethod def plural(cls, word: str, count: Union[int, list, set]): if isinstance(count, (list, set)): count = len(count) if count == 1: return word return cls.wordToPlural(word)
[docs] @classmethod def numberPlural(cls, word: str, count: Union[int, List]): if isinstance(count, list): count = len(count) if count < 1: return "no %s" % cls.wordToPlural(word) if count < 2: return "%d %s" % (count, word) return "%d %s" % (count, cls.wordToPlural(word))
[docs] @classmethod def getTypeFromTypeEntry(cls, item: dict, types: list): if isinstance(item, dict) and "type" in item: type = item["type"] for t in types: if t._type == type: return t return None else: return None
_uidRegex = Regex( r"^[0-9a-f]{8}\-?[0-9a-f]{4}\-?[0-9a-f]{4}\-?[0-9a-f]{4}\-?[0-9a-f]{12}$" )
[docs] @classmethod def uuidConverter(cls, value): if isinstance(value, UUID): return value else: v = str(value) if not cls._uidRegex.match(v): raise Exception( "The provided uid %a does not fit the format 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'" ) return UUID(v)
[docs] @classmethod def checkAndConvert( cls, value: Any, fieldType: Union[Type[_T], List[Type[_T]]], fieldName: Optional[str] = None, converter: Optional[Callable[[Any], _T]] = None, allowNone=False, initOnNone=False, ) -> _T: if isinstance(fieldType, list): fieldType = cast(Any, cls.getTypeFromTypeEntry(value, fieldType)) if not fieldType: return value if isinstance(value, cast(Union[type, Tuple[type]], fieldType)): return value if issubclass(cast(Type[_T], fieldType), Enum): try: enum = cast(Any, fieldType) return enum(value) except ValueError: raise Exception( "Field %a cannot be converted to enum type %a. (Got invalid value %a)" % ( fieldName, cast(type, fieldType).__name__, cls.truncString(str(value)), ) ) if not converter: if cast(type, fieldType).__name__ == datetime.__name__: converter = cast(Callable, DateTimeConverter.convertDateTime) elif cast(type, fieldType).__name__ == UUID.__name__: converter = cast(Callable, cls.uuidConverter) else: converter = cast(Callable, fieldType) if fieldName == None: fieldName = "field" fieldName = cast(str, fieldName) if value == None: if initOnNone and hasattr(fieldType, "__init__"): return cast(Callable, fieldType)() if allowNone: return cast(Any, None) else: raise Exception("Field %a cannot be 'None'." % (fieldName)) # print("converter", converter) # print(f"{fieldName}({fieldType}) = {value}") try: value = converter(value) except: raise Exception( "Field %a cannot be converted to type %a. (Got value %a of type %a)" % ( fieldName, cast(type, fieldType).__name__, cls.truncString(str(value)), type(value).__name__, ) ) # print(f"{fieldName}({fieldType}) => {value}") if value == None: if allowNone: return cast(Any, None) else: raise Exception("%s cannot be 'None'." % (fieldName)) return value
[docs] @classmethod def checkListAndConvert( cls, value: Any, fieldType: Union[Type[_T], List[Type[_T]]], fieldName: Optional[str] = None, converter: Optional[Callable[[Any], _T]] = None, allowNone: bool = False, singleToList: bool = False, length: int = -1, ) -> List[_T]: if fieldName == None: fieldName = "field" fieldName = cast(str, fieldName) if value == None: value = [] if singleToList: if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): value = [value] if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): raise Exception( "%s must be of type 'list'. (Got type %a)" % (fieldName, type(value).__name__) ) if length >= 0 and len(value) != length: raise Exception( "%s must have length %d. (Got length %a)" % (fieldName, length, len(value)) ) return [ cls.checkAndConvert( f, fieldType=fieldType, fieldName="%s[%d]" % (fieldName, i), converter=converter, allowNone=allowNone, ) for i, f in enumerate(value) ]
[docs] @staticmethod def checkDirectory(dir): if not os.path.isdir(dir): return "could not find directory '%s'" % dir list_of_entries = [] try: with os.scandir(dir) as entries: for entry in entries: list_of_entries.append( except PermissionError: return "permission denied for directory '%s' on server" % dir except: return "could not access directory '%s'" % dir return False
[docs] @staticmethod def convertToNativeNewline(text: str): return text.replace("\n", os.linesep)
[docs] @staticmethod def namedSwitchConverter(switchList: List[str]) -> Dict[str, bool]: result = {} for s in switchList: result[s] = True return result
[docs] @staticmethod def stringToId(s: str): if not isinstance(s, str): s = str(s) return "".join([c if c.isalpha() or c.isdigit() else "_" for c in s]).rstrip()
[docs] @classmethod def truncString(cls, text: str, length: int = 30) -> str: return "%s%s" % (text[:length], "..." if len(text) > length else "")