Source code for LOGS.Entity.SerializeableContent

import inspect
import json
import math
import random
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import (
from uuid import UUID

import numpy as np

from LOGS.Auxiliary.Constants import Constants
from LOGS.Auxiliary.Exceptions import EntityIncompleteException
from LOGS.Auxiliary.ReplaceMessage import ReplaceMessage
from LOGS.Auxiliary.Tools import Tools

_T = TypeVar("_T")

[docs] class SerializeableContent: _noSerialize: List[str] = [] _typeMapper: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None _slack: Dict[str, Any] = {} _planeClass: bool = False _includeNone: bool = False _debugPrintRef: bool = False _includeSlack: bool = False def __init__(self, ref=None): if ref != None: self._fromRef(ref=ref, selfClass=type(self))
[docs] def override(self, ref): self._fromRef(ref=ref, selfClass=type(self))
def _fromRef( self, ref, selfClass, convertOtherType: Optional[Tuple[type, Callable[[Any], Any]]] = None, ): if self._debugPrintRef: print("FromRef", selfClass.__name__, "\n", self._dictToJson(ref)) # print("FromRef", selfClass.__name__, self._json_schema) # if not isinstance(ref, (selfClass, dict)) and convertOtherType: # ref = convertOtherType(ref) if convertOtherType and isinstance(ref, convertOtherType[0]): ref = convertOtherType[1](ref) if isinstance(ref, selfClass): self.fromInstance(ref) elif isinstance(ref, dict): if hasattr(self, "_typeMapper") and self._typeMapper: for k, t in self._typeMapper.items(): if k in ref: if isinstance(ref[k], list): self.checkFieldAndConvertToList( ref, fieldName=k, fieldType=t ) else: self.checkFieldAndConvert( elements=ref, fieldName=k, fieldType=t, allowNone=True ) self.fromDict(ref) else: types: List[type] = [dict, type(self)] if convertOtherType: if isinstance(convertOtherType[0], (tuple, list)): types.extend(convertOtherType[0]) else: types.append(convertOtherType[0]) raise Exception( "%s instance cannot be derived from type %a. (Expected one of %s)" % ( selfClass.__name__, type(ref).__name__, ", ".join([f"'{t.__name__}'" for t in types]), ) )
[docs] def fromInstance(self, ref): attrList = self._getAttrList() for k in attrList: if hasattr(ref, k): try: setattr(self, k, getattr(ref, k)) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def fromDict(self, ref) -> None: # print("ref", ref) # print("ref", type(self).__name__) if not hasattr(self, "_noSerialize"): self._noSerialize = [] mappedKey = { k: False for k, v in ref.items() if v is not None and k not in self._noSerialize } for k in dir(self): # print( # f"[{type(self).__name__}] Attribute", # k, # k in ref and hasattr(self, k) and not callable(getattr(self, k)), # "->", # ref[k] if k in ref else "NULL", # ) try: hasAttr = hasattr(self, k) except ( EntityIncompleteException ): # while deserializing we want to ignore incomplete fields hasAttr = False if k in ref and hasAttr and not callable(getattr(self, k)): try: # print(" ", k, "->", ref[k]) setattr(self, k, ref[k]) mappedKey[k] = True except AttributeError as e: # print(f"[{type(self).__name__}] ERROR:", k, "->", ref[k], e) pass self._slack = {k: ref[k] for k, v in mappedKey.items() if not v}
# if self._slack: # print(type(self).__name__, "->", ", ".join(self._slack.keys()))
[docs] @classmethod def toBaseclassString(cls, obj): if isinstance(obj, SerializeableContent): return obj.toString() if isinstance(obj, dict): return "<%s>" % obj["type"] if "type" in obj else "unknown" return "<%s>" % type(obj).__name__
[docs] def toString(self): return str(self)
def _serializeItem(self, item): # print("serialize", item, hasattr(item, "__dict__")) if hasattr(item, "toDict"): if self._includeSlack and hasattr(item, "_toDictWithSlack"): return item._toDictWithSlack() else: return item.toDict() if isinstance(item, cast(Any, np.float32)): return item.item() elif hasattr( item, "__dict__" ): # check if it is a defined class -> is this robust? return None elif isinstance(item, UUID): return str(item) elif isinstance( item, float ): # check if it is a defined class -> is this robust? if math.isnan(item): item = 0 elif math.isinf(item): item = 0 return item else: return item def _getAttrList(self): result = None if self._planeClass: result = [ a[0] for a in inspect.getmembers(self, lambda a: not inspect.isroutine(a)) if a[0][0] != "_" ] else: realAttributes = [ a[1:] for a in dir(self) if a[0] == "_" and hasattr(self, a) and not callable(getattr(self, a)) ] result = [] for a in realAttributes: try: if hasattr(self, a): result.append(a) except ( EntityIncompleteException ): # while serializing we want to ignore incomplete fields pass return result def _toDictWithSlack(self): tmp = self._includeSlack self._includeSlack = True result = self.toDict() self._includeSlack = tmp return result
[docs] def toDict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: # print("toDict", type(self).__name__) if not hasattr(self, "_noSerialize"): self._noSerialize = [] d = {} attrList = self._getAttrList() for k in attrList: if k in self._noSerialize: continue a = getattr(self, k) # print("attr", k, "->", a, "=>", type(a).__name__) if isinstance(a, (list, np.ndarray)): l: Any = [] for e in a: l.append(self._serializeItem(e)) d[k] = l elif isinstance(a, dict): l = {} for i, v in a.items(): l[i] = self._serializeItem(v) d[k] = l elif isinstance(a, datetime): # if not a.tzinfo: # a.replace(tzinfo=tzlocal.get_localzone()) # print(">>>", a.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")) # print(">>>", a.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")) # d[k] = a.isoformat() + ".000Z" d[k] = a.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ") # d[k] = "2021-12-01T00:00:00.000Z" elif isinstance(a, Enum): d[k] = a.value elif a != None or self._includeNone: d[k] = self._serializeItem(a) if self._includeSlack: d.update({k: v for k, v in self._slack.items() if k not in d}) return d
@classmethod def _objectDictToDict(cls, item): # print(" item", item) if isinstance(item, dict): d = {} for k, v in item.items(): # item[k] = cls._objectDictToDict(v) d[k] = cls._objectDictToDict(v) return d if isinstance(item, list): l = [] for v in item: # item[k] = cls._objectDictToDict(v) l.append(cls._objectDictToDict(v)) return l else: if hasattr(item, "toDict") and callable(getattr(item, "toDict")): return item.toDict() return item @classmethod def _dictToJson(cls, dict, indent=2, sort_keys=True, compact=False): separators = None if compact: indent = None separators = (",", ":") return json.dumps( dict, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys, separators=separators )
[docs] def toJson(self, indent=2, sort_keys=True, compact=False, validate=False): return self._dictToJson( self.toDict(), indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys, compact=compact )
[docs] def printJson(self, indent=2, sort_keys=True, compact=False, validate=False): print( self.toJson( validate=validate, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys, compact=compact ) )
[docs] @classmethod def truncString(cls, text: str, length: int = 30) -> str: return Tools.truncString(text=text, length=length)
[docs] @staticmethod def delEntryFromDict(d: dict, entry: str): if entry in d: del d[entry]
[docs] def dictToString(self, element, length=30): text = "" if "name" in element: text = "Name: " + str(element["name"]) return self.truncString(text, length=length)
[docs] @classmethod def plural(cls, word, count): if isinstance(count, list): count = len(count) if word[-1] == "y" and count > 1: word = word[:-1] + "ie" return word + ("s" if count > 1 else "")
[docs] def createOnDemand(self, attr: str, typeOfValue: type): if getattr(self, attr) == None: setattr(self, attr, typeOfValue()) return getattr(self, attr)
[docs] @classmethod def checkAndConvertNullable( cls, value: Any, fieldType: Union[Type[_T], List[Type[_T]]], fieldName: Optional[str] = None, converter: Optional[Callable[[Any], _T]] = None, ): return cls.checkAndConvert( value=value, fieldType=fieldType, fieldName=fieldName, converter=converter, allowNone=True, )
[docs] @classmethod def checkAndConvert( cls, value: Any, fieldType: Union[Type[_T], List[Type[_T]]], fieldName: Optional[str] = None, converter: Optional[Callable[[Any], _T]] = None, allowNone=False, ) -> _T: if ( inspect.isclass(fieldType) and issubclass(fieldType, SerializeableContent) and isinstance(value, dict) ): return cast(Any, fieldType)(ref=value) return cast( _T, Tools.checkAndConvert( value=value, fieldType=cast(Any, fieldType), fieldName=fieldName, converter=converter, allowNone=allowNone, ), )
[docs] @classmethod def checkFieldAndConvert( cls, elements: Dict[str, Any], fieldType: Union[Type[_T], List[Type[_T]]], fieldName: Optional[str] = None, converter: Optional[Callable[[Any], _T]] = None, allowNone=False, ): if fieldName in elements: elements[fieldName] = cls.checkAndConvert( elements[fieldName], fieldType=fieldType, fieldName=fieldName, converter=converter, allowNone=allowNone, )
[docs] @classmethod def checkFieldAndConvertToList( cls, elements: Dict[str, Any], fieldType: Union[Type[_T], List[Type[_T]]], fieldName: Optional[str] = None, converter: Optional[Callable[[Any], _T]] = None, allowNone: bool = False, singleToList: bool = False, length: int = -1, ): if fieldName in elements: elements[fieldName] = cls.checkListAndConvert( elements[fieldName], fieldType=fieldType, fieldName=fieldName, converter=converter, allowNone=allowNone, singleToList=singleToList, length=length, )
[docs] @classmethod def checkListAndConvertNullable( cls, value: Any, fieldType: Union[Type[_T], List[Type[_T]]], fieldName: Optional[str] = None, converter: Optional[Callable[[Any], _T]] = None, length: int = -1, ): return cls.checkListAndConvert( value=value, fieldType=fieldType, fieldName=fieldName, converter=converter, length=length, singleToList=True, allowNone=True, )
[docs] @classmethod def checkListAndConvert( cls, value: Any, fieldType: Union[Type[_T], List[Type[_T]]], fieldName: Optional[str] = None, converter: Optional[Callable[[Any], _T]] = None, allowNone: bool = False, singleToList: bool = False, length: int = -1, ) -> List[_T]: return Tools.checkListAndConvert( value=value, fieldType=fieldType, fieldName=fieldName, converter=converter, allowNone=allowNone, singleToList=singleToList, length=length, )
[docs] @classmethod def checkAndAppend( cls, value: Any, fieldType: Type[_T], fieldName: Optional[str] = None, converter: Optional[Callable[[Any], _T]] = None, allowNone: bool = False, ): if not converter: converter = fieldType if value == None: value = [] if fieldName == None: fieldName = "field" fieldName = cast(str, fieldName) if not isinstance(value, list): raise Exception( "%s must be of type 'list'. (Got type %a)" % (fieldName.capitalize(), type(value).__name__) ) return [ cls.checkAndConvert( f, fieldName=fieldName, fieldType=fieldType, converter=converter, allowNone=allowNone, ) for f in value ]
[docs] def checkInstance(self, instance, path: List[str] = []): # print("check", path, instance) if isinstance(instance, SerializeableContent): instance.check(path)
[docs] def checkProperty(self, property: str, path: List[str] = []): if hasattr(self, property): item = getattr(self, property) if isinstance(item, list): for k, v in enumerate(item): self.checkInstance(v, path + [str(self), "%s[%d]" % (property, k)]) elif isinstance(item, dict): for k, v in item.items(): self.checkInstance(v, path + [str(self), "%s[%s]" % (property, k)]) else: self.checkInstance(item, path + [str(self), "%s" % (property)])
[docs] def check(self, path: List[str] = []): for k in dir(self): if hasattr(self, k) and not callable(getattr(self, k)) and k[0] != "_": self.checkProperty(k, path)
def __str__(self): return "<%s>" % (type(self).__name__)
[docs] @classmethod def replaceControlCharacters( cls, text: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, str], List[str]]], excludeCharacters: List[str] = [], mergeMessages: bool = False, excludeKeys: List[str] = [], ): if text is None: return "", [ReplaceMessage(message="No text defined")] messages: List[ReplaceMessage] = [] if isinstance(text, dict): if ( "type" in text and text["type"] == "parameter" and "multiline" in text and text["multiline"] ): excludeCharacters.append("line feed") for k in text.keys(): if k not in excludeKeys: text[k], messages = cast( Any, cls.replaceControlCharacters( text[k], excludeKeys=excludeKeys, excludeCharacters=excludeCharacters, mergeMessages=mergeMessages, ), ) if messages: for m in messages: m.unshiftPath(k) elif isinstance(text, list): for i in range(0, len(text)): text[i], messages = cls.replaceControlCharacters( text[i], excludeKeys=excludeKeys, excludeCharacters=excludeCharacters, mergeMessages=mergeMessages, ) if messages: for m in messages: m.unshiftPath(i) elif isinstance(text, str): for k in Constants._control_character: if Constants._control_character[k][1] in excludeCharacters: continue l = len(text) text = text.replace(Constants._control_character[k][0], "") if len(text) != l: if mergeMessages: messages.append( ReplaceMessage("'%s'" % Constants._control_character[k][1]) ) else: messages.append( ReplaceMessage( "contained special character '%s'" % Constants._control_character[k][1] ) ) elif isinstance(text, float): if math.isnan(text): text = None messages.append( ReplaceMessage(message="contained a float with 'NaN' value") ) if mergeMessages and messages: if len(messages) > 1: messages = [ ReplaceMessage( message="contained special characters " + ", ".join(m.message for m in messages) ) ] else: messages = [ ReplaceMessage( message="contained special character " + messages[0].message ) ] # for idx in range(0, len(messages)): # msg = messages[idx] # i = msg.index(0) # if i > 0: # m = ".".join(msg[0:i]) + ": " + " ".join(msg[i + 1 :]) # messages[idx] = m return text, messages
[docs] @classmethod def generateID(cls, len=10): return "".join(map(lambda r: chr(random.randint(65, 90)), range(len)))
[docs] class SerializeableClass(SerializeableContent): _planeClass = True