Source code for LOGS.LOGSConnection

import json
import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union, cast

import requests
from requests import Response

from LOGS.Auxiliary import LOGSException, Tools
from LOGS.Auxiliary.LOGSErrorResponse import LOGSErrorResponse
from LOGS.Entities.FileEntry import FileEntry
from LOGS.ServerMetaData import ServerMetaData

[docs] class ResponseTypes(Enum): RAW = "raw" JSON = "json"
RESPONSE_TYPES = Union[bytes, Dict[Any, Any], Response, str]
[docs] @dataclass class MultipartEntry: name: str fileName: Optional[str] content: Union[str, dict, FileEntry]
[docs] class LOGSConnection: """Python class to access the LOGS web API""" _noErrorStates = set([200, 201, 204]) _compatibleAPIVersions = set(["2.0"]) # _compatibleAPIVersions = set(["1.1"]) __urlRe = re.compile(r"(?:(https*)\:\/\/)*([^\/:]+)(?:\:(\d+))*(?:\/(.*))*") __urlApiRe = re.compile(r"api\/(\d+\.\d+)") _port: Optional[int] _connected: bool _metadata: ServerMetaData def __init__( self, url: str, apiKey: str, use_internal: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, verify: bool = True, ): """Checks the connection to the server on creation :param url: URL to specific LOGS group (e.g. https://mylogs/mygroup or https://mylogs:80/mygroup/api/0.1) :param api_key: The API key that grants access to LOGS (you need to generate on in LOGS and copy it) :param verbose: If set you see some information about the server connection. Defaults to False. :raises Exception: URL does not defined or is invalid. :raises Exception: The URL does not define a group. :raises Exception: Server cannot be reached. """ self.verbose = verbose self.promptPrefix = "LOGSAPI>" self.url = url if self.verbose: self.printServerStatus() self._apiKey = apiKey self._useInternal = use_internal self._verify = verify self._connected = False self._metadata = ServerMetaData() self.checkServer()
[docs] def printServerStatus(self): print(self.promptPrefix, "Server properties:") print(self.promptPrefix, " protocol:", self._protocol) print(self.promptPrefix, " server:", self._server) print(self.promptPrefix, " port:", self._port) print(self.promptPrefix, " group:", self._group)
[docs] def setUrl(self, url): match = protocol = "http" version = "0.1" if not match: raise Exception("Invalid URL '%s'." % url) else: (protocol, server, portStr, endpoints) = match.groups() if endpoints: group = endpoints.split("/")[0] else: group = None if server == None or server == "": raise Exception("URL must define a server.") if group == None or group == "": raise Exception("URL must contain a group.") if portStr == None or portStr == "": port = None else: port = int(portStr) match = if match: version = # print("match", (protocol, server, port, group, version)) self._version = version self._protocol = protocol self._server = server self._port = port self._group = group
# self._url = url
[docs] def checkServer(self): """Check if server can be reached :raises Exception: Server cannot be reached. """ testEndpoint = ["version", "detail"] result, error = self.getEndpoint(testEndpoint) url = result["url"] if isinstance(result, dict) else self.url if error: raise LOGSException("Could not connect to '%s': %s" % (url, error)) if self.verbose: print( self.promptPrefix, "Connection to server '%s://%s%s' successful." % ( self.protocol, self.server, ":" + str(self.port) if self.port else "", ), ) self._connected = True if isinstance(result, dict): self._metadata = ServerMetaData(ref=result) if ( not self._metadata.apiVersion or self._metadata.apiVersion not in self._compatibleAPIVersions ): raise LOGSException( "This library is not compatible with the LOGS API version '%s'. (Expected %s %s)" % ( ( self._metadata.apiVersion if self._metadata.apiVersion else "unknown" ), ( "one of versions" if len(self._compatibleAPIVersions) > 1 else "version" ), Tools.eclipsesJoin(", ", list(self._compatibleAPIVersions)), ) ) else: raise LOGSException( "Server '%s' could be reached but behaved unexpectedly." % (url, error) )
[docs] def getUIUrl(self) -> str: """Generate full API URL Returns: str: The url of the connected LOGS API (e.g. """ return "%s://%s%s/%s" % ( self.protocol, self.server, ":" + str(self.port) if self.port else "",, )
[docs] def getAPIUrl(self) -> str: """Generate full API URL :return: The url of the connected LOGS API (e.g. """ return "%s://%s%s/%s/api/%s" % ( self.protocol, self.server, ":" + str(self.port) if self.port else "",, self.version, )
[docs] def getUIEndpointUrl( self, endpoint: Union[Union[str, int], Sequence[Union[str, int]]] ) -> str: """Generate full API URL for a given endpoint Returns: str: The url of the connected LOGS API (for dataset endpoint e.g. """ if isinstance(endpoint, list): endpoint = "/".join([str(e) for e in endpoint]) return self.getUIUrl() + "/" + str(endpoint)
[docs] def getEndpointUrl( self, endpoint: Union[Union[str, int], Sequence[Union[str, int]]] ) -> str: """Generate full API URL for a given endpoint :return: The url of the connected LOGS API (for dataset endpoint e.g. """ if isinstance(endpoint, list): endpoint = "/".join([str(e) for e in endpoint]) return self.getAPIUrl() + "/" + str(endpoint)
[docs] def getUrl( self, url: str, parameters: Optional[dict] = None, responseType: ResponseTypes = ResponseTypes.JSON, includeUrl: bool = True, ): """Generate full API URL with GET parameters :param url: Specify an API url otherwise object internal is used. Defaults to None. :param parameters: Parameters to pass to an GET request. Defaults to None. :param responseType: The return value is converted to the specified format. Defaults to "json". :param includeUrl: :return: The respose of the server and the error code. """ if self.verbose: paramString = "" if parameters: paramString = " ".join( ("%s:%s" % (k, v)) for k, v in parameters.items() if v != None and v != "" ) print( self.promptPrefix, "GET: %s %s" % (url, "{" + paramString + "}" if paramString else ""), ) # print("params", params) response = requests.get( url, headers=self.getHeader(), params=parameters, verify=self._verify ) # print("URL:", response.url) # if response == None: # response = # print("url", url) return self.__convertResponse(response, responseType, includeUrl)
[docs] def getHeader(self) -> Dict[str, str]: if self._useInternal: return {"X-Api-Key": self.apiKey, "X-LOGS-internal": "true"} else: return {"X-Api-Key": self.apiKey}
[docs] def deleteUrl( self, url: str, parameters: dict = {}, responseType: ResponseTypes = ResponseTypes.JSON, includeUrl: bool = True, ): """Generate full API URL with PUT body :param url: Specify an API url otherwise object internal is used. Defaults to None. :param params: Parameters to pass to an PUT request as json body. Defaults to None. :param mode: The return value is converted to the specified format. Defaults to "json". :return: The respose of the server and the error code. """ if self.verbose: print(self.promptPrefix, "DELETE: %s" % url) response = requests.delete( url, headers=self.getHeader(), params=parameters, verify=self._verify ) return self.__convertResponse(response, responseType, includeUrl=includeUrl)
[docs] def putUrl( self, url: str, data: Union[dict, list] = {}, responseType: ResponseTypes = ResponseTypes.JSON, ): """Generate full API URL with PUT body :param url: Specify an API url otherwise object internal is used. Defaults to None. :param params: Parameters to pass to an PUT request as json body. Defaults to None. :param mode: The return value is converted to the specified format. Defaults to "json". :return: The respose of the server and the error code. """ if self.verbose: print(self.promptPrefix, "PUT: %s" % url) response = requests.put( url, headers=self.getHeader(), json=data, verify=self._verify ) return self.__convertResponse(response, responseType)
[docs] def putEndpoint( self, endpoint: Union[Union[str, int], Sequence[Union[str, int]]], data: Union[dict, list] = {}, responseType: ResponseTypes = ResponseTypes.JSON, ) -> Tuple[Optional[RESPONSE_TYPES], Optional[LOGSErrorResponse]]: """Connects to the API with PUT access to given endpoint :param endpoint: Name of the endpoint (e.g. dataset/2/tracks) :param params: Parameters to pass to the endpoint as json body. Defaults to None. :return: The respose of the server and the error code. """ url = self.getEndpointUrl(endpoint) return self.putUrl(url, data, responseType)
[docs] def postMultipartUrl( self, url: str, data: List[MultipartEntry] = [], responseType: ResponseTypes = ResponseTypes.JSON, ): if self.verbose: print(self.promptPrefix, "POST: %s" % url) files = [] for entry in data: content: Any = "" if isinstance(entry.content, FileEntry): # content = entry.content.toJson(compact=True) with open(entry.content.fullPath, "rb") as read: content = else: content = json.dumps(entry.content) files.append((, (entry.fileName, content))) #### For checking the request # request = requests.Request( # "POST", "http://localhost:900/sandbox/api/0.1/datasets/create", files=files # ).prepare() # print(cast(Any, request.body).decode("ascii", "ignore")) response = url, headers=self.getHeader(), files=files, verify=self._verify ) return self.__convertResponse(response, responseType)
[docs] def postUrl( self, url: str, data: Union[dict, list] = {}, parameters: Optional[dict] = None, responseType: ResponseTypes = ResponseTypes.JSON, includeUrl: bool = True, ): """Generate full API URL with PUT body :param url: Specify an API url otherwise object internal is used. Defaults to None. :param params: Parameters to pass to an PUT request as json body. Defaults to None. :param mode: The return value is converted to the specified format. Defaults to "json". :return: The respose of the server and the error code. """ if self.verbose: paramString = "" if parameters: paramString = " ".join( ("%s:%s" % (k, v)) for k, v in parameters.items() if v != None and v != "" ) print( self.promptPrefix, "GET: %s %s" % (url, "{" + paramString + "}" if paramString else ""), ) if self.verbose: paramString = "" if parameters: paramString = " ".join( ("%s:%s" % (k, v)) for k, v in parameters.items() if v != None and v != "" ) print( self.promptPrefix, "POST: %s %s" % (url, "{" + paramString + "}" if paramString else ""), ) response = url, headers=self.getHeader(), params=parameters, json=data, verify=self._verify, ) return self.__convertResponse(response, responseType, includeUrl)
[docs] def postMultipartEndpoint( self, endpoint: Union[Union[str, int], Sequence[Union[str, int]]], data: List[MultipartEntry] = [], responseType: ResponseTypes = ResponseTypes.JSON, ): url = self.getEndpointUrl(endpoint) return self.postMultipartUrl(url, data, responseType)
[docs] def postEndpoint( self, endpoint: Union[Union[str, int], Sequence[Union[str, int]]], parameters: Optional[dict] = None, data: Union[dict, list] = {}, responseType: ResponseTypes = ResponseTypes.JSON, ): """Connects to the API with PUT access to given endpoint :param endpoint: Name of the endpoint (e.g. dataset/2/tracks) :param params: Parameters to pass to the endpoint as json body. Defaults to None. :return: The respose of the server and the error code. """ url = self.getEndpointUrl(endpoint) return self.postUrl( url=url, data=data, parameters=parameters, responseType=responseType )
[docs] def deleteEndpoint( self, endpoint: Union[Union[str, int], Sequence[Union[str, int]]], parameters: dict = {}, responseType: ResponseTypes = ResponseTypes.JSON, includeUrl: bool = True, ): """Connects to the API with DELETE access to given endpoint :param endpoint: Name of the endpoint (e.g. dataset/2/tracks) :param params: Parameters to pass to the endpoint. Defaults to None. :param mode: Convert result to this format. Defaults to None. :return: The respose of the server and the error code. """ # print("Headers:", headers) # print("Params:", params) url = self.getEndpointUrl(endpoint) return self.deleteUrl( url, parameters=parameters, responseType=responseType, includeUrl=includeUrl )
[docs] def getEndpoint( self, endpoint: Union[Union[str, int], Sequence[Union[str, int]]], parameters: Optional[dict] = None, responseType: ResponseTypes = ResponseTypes.JSON, includeUrl: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[Optional[RESPONSE_TYPES], Optional[LOGSErrorResponse]]: """Connects to the API with GET access to given endpoint :param endpoint: Name of the endpoint (e.g. dataset/2/tracks) :param params: Parameters to pass to the endpoint. Defaults to None. :param mode: Convert result to this format. Defaults to None. :return: The respose of the server and the error code. """ # print("Headers:", headers) # print("Params:", params) url = self.getEndpointUrl(endpoint) # print("URL:", url) # print("Params:", params) return self.getUrl( url, parameters=parameters, responseType=responseType, includeUrl=includeUrl )
# header = {"X-Api-Key": api_key} # # try: # response = requests.get(url, headers=header, params=params, verify=False, verify=self._verify) # # except ValueError as error: # # print(error) # return self.convertResponse(response, mode) # def convertCustomFieldParams(self, params: dict): # # print(">", params) # return {"customFields[%s]" % k: v for k, v in params.items()} def __convertResponse( self, response: Response, responseType: ResponseTypes = ResponseTypes.JSON, includeUrl: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[Optional[RESPONSE_TYPES], Optional[LOGSErrorResponse]]: if response.status_code >= 200 and response.status_code < 300: if responseType == ResponseTypes.RAW: return response.content, None else: result = response.json() if len(response.content) > 0 else "" if isinstance(result, dict) and includeUrl: result["url"] = response.url return cast(Union[dict, str], result), None else: errorResponse = LOGSErrorResponse() errorResponse.status = response.status_code if response.status_code not in self._noErrorStates: try: r = response.json() errorResponse.override(r) except: try: errorResponse = LOGSErrorResponse( errors=response.text.split("\n") ) # errorResponse.errors = response.text.split("\n") except: pass errorResponse.errors.insert( 0, "%d %s" % (response.status_code, response.reason) ) return ( response, errorResponse if errorResponse and errorResponse.errors else None, ) @property def version(self) -> str: return self._version @property def protocol(self) -> str: return self._protocol @property def server(self) -> str: return self._server @property def port(self) -> Optional[int]: return self._port @property def group(self) -> str: return self._group @property def apiUrl(self) -> str: return "%s/api/%s" % (self.url, self.version) @property def url(self) -> str: return "%s://%s%s/%s" % ( self.protocol, self.server, ":" + str(self.port) if self.port else "",, ) @url.setter def url(self, value): self.setUrl(value) @property def apiKey(self) -> str: return self._apiKey @apiKey.setter def apiKey(self, value): self._apiKey = value @property def metadata(self) -> ServerMetaData: return self._metadata